What is Csrss.exe, Is it a Virus or Safe & Uses Information

The Csrss.exe is a genuine file that belongs to the Windows OS. The csrss,.exe starts as soon as the system starts and loaded into the system background. It should not be removed, killing the csrss process might unstable the Windows Operating System.

Csrss.exe Size and Location

Being an essential process of Windows OS, Csrss.exe is located under C:\Windows\System32\ folder. The file size of scrss.exe is 17.3 KB in Windows 10.

csrss.exe properties

File Information

Description Detail
File name Csrss.exe
File description Client Server Runtime Process
Type Application
File Operating System Windows 32-bita and 64-bit
Product version 10.0.18362.1 (in Windows 10)
Language English
Copyright Microsoft Corporation

Uses of Csrss.exe

Csrss is an essential part of Windows Operating System known as Client-Server Runtime Subsystem. It is known to be an original executable file found in System32 directory. Here are few basic points that proves why its is an essential process:

  • A computer cannot run without csrss.exe as it is a very significant process under windows Operating Systems.
  • Csrss.exe plays an important role in managing all sorts of graphical instruction set in a desktop loaded with Windows Operating System.
  • It controls several vital applications that continue to run at the back while we are working.
  • Csrss.exe is said to have designed in such a way that it works on creating or deleting threads.
  • Moreover, this file is known for implementing parts of 16 bit Virtual MS-DOS.
  • Additionally, csrss.exe is said to handle the command line of an Operating System, Specifically Windows.

Is csrss.exe a Virus or safe?

In most cases, csrss.exe is a totally safe file and is not a virus. It performs almost all crucial tasks in an Operating system and its location is C:\Windows\System32. It is a system file and also it takes very little space in memory. In case csrss.exe is regularly consuming high CPU or disk space then this might be a virus or malware.

  1. Open the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc button
  2. Locate Client Server Runtime Process
  3. Now check whether it is consuming high CPU or Memory or Disk or Network
  4. If it is consuming anyone of the resources in high volume then system scan is required.

In most of the cases it should not consume much resources and should be ideal, here is how Client Server Runtime Process should looks like in task manager:

client server runtime process

However, if it’s found that the same file present in the system is consuming more memory storage then it has to be, then detailed investigation is required by using a genuine Antivirus or Anti-malware. There are some ways to check it manually as well which can give an idea immediately. The steps are briefly noted below:-

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc
  • Click on Details tab
  • Right Click on csrss.exe and Click on Properties
  • Check the location whether mentioned C:\Windows\System32
  • Also, Check CPU usage and Memory Process
  • If found higher than usual (Parameters as mentioned above) and the location is elsewhere then it is a virus.


csrss.exe process running in task manager

That’s how a genuine csrss.exe should in running in the Task Manager.

How to Remove Or Disable?

It is completely clear from the uses of csrss.exe it is such an important file on which the Operating system of a Computer greatly depends. It takes into account all sorts of functions and is usually present in the System 32 folder of Windows. Removing or Disabling a file like csrss.exe can crash down a computer. However, if any mysterious over consumption of memory is caused and the file is doubtful based on the above-mentioned measures, then disabling or rather removing is recommended.

About Amri

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